Celebrate Founders Day! — 20% Off 4th Week of October. Use сode: MYDAY2024
Celebrate Founders Day! — 20% Off 4th Week of October. Use сode: MYDAY2024

Harness your true productivity

With WAVEROX’s advanced brainwave monitoring and meditation technology, you can stay focused, reduce stress, and improve your daily performance by combining cutting-edge neurotech with mindful practices

Rated 4.5/5 by 2,235+ Customers
Enjoy our outstanding client care
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in the US and Canada
1-Year Limited
60-Day Returns
on Any Purchase
100% money back
Find the benefits for your job
We help you find a moment of inspiration and a period to relax during the working day. Supporting the creative process and idea generation.
For creators
  • Graphic / Fashion Designers
  • Art Directors & Curators
  • Photographers & Video editors
  • Artists & Illustrators
  • Actors & Writers & Authors
  • Musicians & Composers
For creators
Reducing mental fatigue from long hours of programming. Improving concentration during data analysis. Reducing stress from tight development deadlines.
For geeks
  • Software Developers, QA Engineers
  • Web designers
  • Data analysts / Data scientists
  • Architects
  • Product Owners
  • Scientists
  • SEO/SEM managers
  • Researchers
  • Consultants
For geeks
Managing stress from solving operational issues and challenges. Enhancing focus on planning and task execution.
For managers
  • Operational directors
  • Business owners
  • Marketing/brand managers
  • Sales managers
  • Project managers
  • HR managers
  • Administrative managers
  • Purchase managers
  • Lawyers
  • Compliance managers
  • PR managers
  • Customer Success teams
For managers
Discover how our product can benefit you personally! Take our 10-question quiz to get a personalized description of the value tailored to your specific needs.
For you
A new way to find inspiration
If you create art, design ads, make music, or write, you're likely a creative. Many on our team share your challenges, which is why we developed Waverox to help you work efficiently and avoid burnout
A curious mind tends to jump from one topic to another, from important tasks to distractions like Instagram. Waverox helps you focus and stay on track. When your concentration dips—whether due to distractions or wandering thoughts—you’ll hear an alert that reminds you to return to your task
Focus on one task and avoid procrastination
Creative individuals can be sensitive, and one unpleasant event can derail their day. The Stress Resistance course offers 25 biofeedback sessions, each lasting 9 minutes, teaching you to control negative thoughts and dismiss them instantly. This helps reduce overthinking, promotes calmness, and improves sleep
Manage anxiety to avoid letting negativity spoil your day
Have you ever been so absorbed in work that you forget to eat or go outside? This can hurt productivity and increase burnout risk. Waverox’s Slots feature tracks your brain’s fatigue in real-time, guiding you on when and how long to rest. Learn to recognize fatigue, take breaks, and balance work with enough time for family and friends
Build a healthy work-life balance
Boost your brain for outstanding results
If you’re involved in development, data analytics, engineering, or scientific work, you likely have a curious and analytical mind — what we call a geeky mind.
In any detail-oriented work, concentration is key. Waverox helps you maintain long-term focus and avoid procrastination. When your focus drops — whether due to distractions like Instagram or wandering thoughts — the app sends an alert, bringing you back to the task at hand
Stay focused
on important tasks
Sometimes, after closing your laptop, you feel drained. The 6-minute Mind Relaxation training helps you quickly recharge and regain energy to enjoy the evening with friends or family or get ready for the next task
Recharge and seamlessly switch from one task to another in 6 minutes
Focused individuals often become so absorbed in their tasks that they neglect breaks and meals, impacting productivity. Waverox monitors brain in real-time. You'll learn to recognize fatigue and determine the right amount of rest needed to recharge, enabling you to complete your tasks effectively
Avoid overload of your brain
and burnout
Client revisions, difficult colleagues, and negative feedback can ruin your day. The Stress Resistance course consists of 25 nine-minute biofeedback sessions to train your brain's Alpha waves for better emotional control
Manage your emotions and don’t let small things stress you
Do you find yourself lying awake, ruminating about the day or upcoming meetings? These thoughts can disrupt sleep. Waverox provides two solutions: Stress Resistance Training, which helps you manage anxious thoughts after 25 sessions, and Sleep Training, a three-level program that guides you into deeper sleep.
Control anxious thoughts and fall asleep faster
If you're curious about how your brain functions throughout the day, Waverox provides real-time data on cognitive load, focus, self-control, relaxation, accumulated fatigue, and your current state (flow, rest, mild or severe fatigue, anxiety, or stress)
Monitor your brain in real-time and retrospectively
Boost your brain for outstanding results
If you’re involved in development, data analytics, engineering, or scientific work, you likely have a curious and analytical mind — what we call a geeky mind.
Unpleasant situations — like difficult colleagues, contractor mistakes, or client revisions—can cause stress and ruin your day. The Stress Resistance course consists of 25 nine-minute biofeedback sessions to train your brain's Alpha waves for better emotional control
Make clear-headed decisions
As a manager, you're juggling 20 tasks at once, and the temptation to scroll through Instagram instead of tackling your to-do list. Waverox helps you maintain focus on the task at hand, preventing procrastination. When your concentration drops, the app sends an alert, prompting you to refocus
Stay focused on what matters
In the rush of endless tasks, it's easy to work late, eat at your desk, etc. This approach is unsustainable and leads to burnout. For the brain, it is crucial to balance heavy load with short periods of rest. Waverox monitors brain fatigue in real-time and teaches you to take breaks effectively.
Get more done without burning out
The key to staying energized is getting good sleep. But you’ve probably experienced lying in bed, ruminating about the day or upcoming meetings. Waverox helps you to fall asleep faster with two solutions: Stress Resistance Training, which helps you manage anxious thoughts after 25 sessions, and Sleep Training, a three-level program that guides you into deeper sleep state
Be energized and sleep well
Sometimes, after a long meeting or at the end of the day, you feel drained but still have important tasks ahead. The 6-minute Waverox training helps you quickly recharge, giving you the extra energy you need to finish your work or enjoy time with loved one
Get an energy boost when you’re running on empty
Waverox gives you real-time insights into your brain’s cognitive load, focus, self-control, relaxation, accumulated fatigue, and current state—whether it’s flow, rest, mild or severe fatigue, anxiety, or stress. Based on these insights, you can structure your work more effectively
Track your brain activity in real-time and optimize your workflow
5420 workaholics use Waverox
in day-to-day life
Begin your Waverox transformation
Pick your device and take advantage of our convenient US shipping.

If it’s not right for you, you can always return it. Begin your transformation today.
Headphones or Headband
Choose the right device
Choose the right device
iOS & Android app

macOS & Windows software
Sync with the mobile app
Sync with the mobile app
Your individual alpha
frequency (iAF), concentration, relaxation, focus, fatigue, stress, etc
Learn more
Displaying metrics
Displaying metrics
Every day and throughout
the year
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Achieving goals
Achieving goals
Experience the future of productivity with Waverox
Waverox technologies provide you with a tangible competitive advantage in situations where keeping your emotions in check and staying focused are crucial for success
Unsure where to start, often postpone tasks
without Waverox
Struggling to get into the flow of work
Unable to maintain focus, easily slipping into procrastination
Overlooking fatigue and feeling drained by evening
One unpleasant situation can ruin your mood for the entire day
Never seem to accomplish everything on your to-do list
No energy left in the evening for family and friends
Difficulty falling asleep due to anxious thoughts
Easily get into the flow of work*
with Waverox
Focus on tasks effortlessly and maintain concentration for longer periods**
Work 20% more productively**
Know when to take breaks to sustain productivity*
Better manage your emotions*
Have energy in the evening to spend time with family or friends*
Consistently complete all planned tasks for the day*
Effectively control anxious thoughts***
Fall asleep more quickly***
*Based on Waverox customer research conducted May 2024
**According to the results of the study on “productivity” features in September 2023
*** According to the results of the study on alfa biofeedback “Stress-resistant” training
Over 5400 members love Waverox
At first, I was kinda skeptical about getting a mind tracker 'cause all the stuff on the landing page seemed too good to be true. But they had that money-back guarantee, so I figured, why not give it a shot? Man, am I glad I did. But after just one month of use, I could tell it was worth every single cent. This gadget actually tracks my brain activity – it shows when I'm tackling tough tasks, my focus level, or how chill I am at any given moment. It's wild to see scientific proof of what you always kinda knew about yourself. Plus, I love the feature that tells me when my brain is wiped out and needs a break. I used to just power through when I lost concentration, but now I know to take a quick 6-minute breather. It makes a world of difference – I come back more focused and way more productive.

Mike Kircher
Senior email marketing specialist
The bad thing about the headband I bought is that you should work to see any results. The good news? If you stick with it it'll really help cut down on stress. I work in advertising and let me tell you, it's a madhouse. Every evening, I was frustrated, and my mind was racing, making it tough to get any sleep. My friend told me to try Waverox training and I have to say, I was impressed. At first, it was a challenge to even finish a short session with a high score. But after a few days, I figured out how to chill out my brain and clear out the anxious thoughts. So, I decided to get the device for myself. I went through their 25-training course and now I can knock out way faster at night since I know how to shut my brain off from work stuff. Sure, it might look a little geeky or freaky, but it's perfect for home use.

Great device! I was quite sceptical at first, but after eight weeks of daily use and learning about Neurofeedback, I must admit it works for me! Now, it's hard to imagine life without those 9 minutes in the morning that make me focused and productive every day. Well done, Waverox!
Steve E
Data analysist
My wife bought this device because she was having trouble concentrating at work. She told me that working from home led to her spending way too much time on social media, making it hard to start new tasks. According to her, this device helped her get a better handle on her focus and set aside specific times to rest. This improvement really boosted her productivity. I thought it sounded interesting and wanted to see what it was all about.
I've been meditating for the last six years, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that their app includes some really cool meditation experiences with real-time feedback. I can meditate, hear in real-time if I'm in the right state, and check my progress afterward. It's very engaging. They also offer a special desktop app where you can track raw data about your brain, like EEG.
Oh, and by the way, I have a pretty big head, so I contacted them on WhatsApp. They sent me additional larger rubbers to make the band fit better. Gotta say, I'm impressed with their customer service.
Bob Bob
C++ Developer
I’ve got a pet project: upgrading my home with smart devices. I saw an ad from these guys and got curious about whether I could control any of my home devices using their technology and my thoughts. So, I asked them for their API documentation and discovered it’s built on C++, which I know how to connect. It wasn’t easy but engaging.
Now, I control the intensity of the light in my workspace with my concentration. When my concentration is high, the light stays white. If I lose focus and need a break, the light turns red. It's pretty cool stuff. Plus, I really enjoy their training sessions—they help me unwind after work.
Emma G
Took this device as a gift for my geeky friend. He works for a startup in the Valley, and it's tough to surprise him on his birthday, so I decided to give this a shot. I don't know if it actually makes him more stress-resilient like it claims on the site, but I do know it’s a lot of fun. He often comes back to me with new discoveries like, "Wow, my brain gets angry when I write emails," or "My brain doesn’t work hard during conference calls. If they’re so useless for my brain, maybe I should cut back on them?" Plus, he impresses his colleagues at the office by wearing this tech hoop on his head. So, I think Waverox makes a perfect gift for any tech geek.
Arnold Lee
To be honest, it wasn't very intuitive to get used to Waverox and their app at first. Initially, you have to position the device correctly to connect all the electrodes (this is actually the first time I’ve thanked God that I'm bald). You need to put it on, then adjust and move it a bit to get a better connection with your skin. After that, you go through the calibration process (close your eyes for 30 seconds), and then you’ll need some time to figure out how to use it. But once you get the hang of it, you'll be amazed.
These tools (apps + device) are simply remarkable. The number of functions is incomparable to competitors. It offers not only meditations (as you can do with muse) but also tools to improve your work routine, letting you know when you need to take a break or return to work. You can determine which activities truly give your brain a rest and which just continue to overload it. You can train your focus or calmness, check in real time how loaded your brain is with tasks (I was astonished that this thing actually works in real time), and even find out if your brain is ready for creative or thoughtful tasks now (this is the first thing you see after the calibration process, which is smart). Plus, you can collect all the raw data, export it to Excel, and analyse it in your own way.
So, I think this is one of the most powerful tools to understand your brain at home on the market right now. Yes, you need to invest some time to understand how it works, but it’s worth it.
At first, I was kinda skeptical about getting a mind tracker 'cause all the stuff on the landing page seemed too good to be true. But they had that money-back guarantee, so...
The bad thing about the headband I bought is that you should work to see any results. The good news? If you stick with it it'll really help cut down on...
Mike Kircher
Senior email marketing specialist
Great device! I was quite sceptical at first, but after eight weeks of daily use and learning about Neurofeedback, I must admit it works for me! Now, it's hard to imagine life...
My wife bought this device because she was having trouble concentrating at work. She told me that working from home led to her spending way too much time...
Steve E
Data analysist
I’ve got a pet project: upgrading my home with smart devices. I saw an ad from these guys and got curious about whether I could control any of my home devices using...
Bob Bob
C++ Developer
Took this device as a gift for my geeky friend. He works for a startup in the Valley, and it's tough to surprise him on his birthday, so I decided to give this a shot. I don't know...
Emma G
To be honest, it wasn't very intuitive to get used to Waverox and their app at first. Initially, you have to position the device correctly to connect all the electrodes (this is actually the...
Arnold Lee
Our customers don’t just use WAVEROX to boost their efficiency — they compete against each other in real-world challenges. We host monthly competitions where participants showcase their skills in brain management, focus, relaxation, and multitasking. Compare your results with the best and aim for new heights of productivity!
Turning Productivity into an Art Form
Join a community of leaders
who achieve peak efficiency with WAVEROX
Laura Miller, Sr. Backend Developer, US-FL
Focus Mastery
Focus 78%
Productivity 92%
Michael D, Product Manager, US-FL
Focus 78%
Productivity 88%
Sarah J, Cyber Security Analyst, Canada

Focus 75%
Productivity 87%
Summer Neuro Challenge 24
Every three months, we highlight top performers across multiple categories
Our customers don’t just use WAVEROX to boost their efficiency — they compete against each other in real-world challenges. We host monthly competitions where participants showcase their skills in brain management, focus, relaxation, and multitasking. Compare your results with the best and aim for new heights of productivity!
Turning Productivity into an Art Form
Join a community of leaders
who achieve peak efficiency with WAVEROX
Diego R, SMM Expert, Madrid, ES
Relaxation Pro
Relaxation 95%
Productivity 50%
Paulina Y, Entrepreneur, US-TX

Relaxation 93%
Productivity 45%
Olivia M, Music/Worship Leader

Relaxation 93%
Productivity 44%
Summer Neuro Challenge 24
Every three months, we highlight top performers across multiple categories
Our customers don’t just use WAVEROX to boost their efficiency — they compete against each other in real-world challenges. We host monthly competitions where participants showcase their skills in brain management, focus, relaxation, and multitasking. Compare your results with the best and aim for new heights of productivity!
Turning Productivity into an Art Form
Join a community of leaders
who achieve peak efficiency with WAVEROX
Teo Rey, Casting Assistant, US-NY
Multitasking Champion
Multitasking 77%
Productivity 98%
Filip S, Executive Director, Poland

Multitasking 75%
Productivity 98%
Michael S, Content Creator, US-CA

Multitasking 74%
Productivity 90%
Summer Neuro Challenge 24
Every three months, we highlight top performers across multiple categories
Our customers don’t just use WAVEROX to boost their efficiency — they compete against each other in real-world challenges. We host monthly competitions where participants showcase their skills in brain management, focus, relaxation, and multitasking. Compare your results with the best and aim for new heights of productivity!
Turning Productivity into an Art Form
Join a community of leaders
who achieve peak efficiency with WAVEROX
Teo Rey, Casting Assistant, US-NY
Productivity Leader
Overall Productivity 98%
Filip S, Executive Director, Poland

Overall Productivity 98%
Laura Miller, Sr. Backend Developer, US-FL
Overall Productivity 92%
Summer Neuro Challenge 24
Every three months, we highlight top performers across multiple categories
The "Stress Resistance" training program in the Mind Tracker BCI application aims to address Sleep disorders and chronic stress...
Neurofeedback training for stress reduction and sleep improvement
10 Sep 2024
The "Stress Resistance" training program in the Mind Tracker BCI application aims to address Sleep disorders and chronic stress...
Neurofeedback training for stress reduction and sleep improvement
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In today's hyper-connected world, a pervasive myth suggests our attention spans have dwindled to less than that of a goldfish. However, recent research debunks this notio...
Developing focus: a practical guide to sharpening your attention in a distracted world
05 Sep 2024
Are you sure the brain's main job is to think? That you control your brain, and not the other way around? That everything around you is real and not just a projection like...
Inside the mind: 7.5 revelations about how your brain really works
08 Aug 2024
In our quest for efficiency and success, we’ve inadvertently become captives of our own minds. The constant buzz of notifications, the endless to-do...
The overthinking trap: recognizing and escaping mental loops
16 Jul 2024
Media about us
Waverox is a brain-computer non-invasive interface app and device based on electroencephalography technology, which is used to track brain activity rhythms and electrical waves produced by brain neurons. These waves are what indicate one’s sleeping...
Waverox BCI Neuroscience Research: Short Timely Taken Breaks Hold Productivity and Decrease Fatigue, Which Cannot be Compensated by Resting Later and Longer
The Mind-Body Connection: Tips For Combatting Stress As An Entrepreneur
Choosing holiday gifts is not the easiest task. And if you want to put extra thought into your gifts and give mindful presents to your loved ones, finding the right holiday gifts may be even more tedious and time-consuming. We have come up with the ultimate mindfulness holiday gift guide to help you give your family and friends gifts that will help them...
Holiday Gift Guide 2023: Best Meditation And Mindfulness Gifts
The idea came as a result of two problems I needed to solve for myself. First, I always do everything to the max. I couldn’t allow myself and my teams to produce mediocre results; I just couldn’t. My second problem was never being able to say no to anyone: colleagues, customers, family, you name it. I have a habit of stretching myself too thin and using up all of my reserves.
On top of all of this, the pandemic remote work mode...
A Chat With Nik Ershov, CEO at Mind Tracker Device And Wellness App: Waverox
Hello! My name is Amir, I am a social media & community manager, and I spend a lot of time in front of the computer: eight hours a day, sometimes more. Three months ago, to better understand what happens to my brain when I work, I bought the Waverox Mind Tracker and spent over 90 hours in it. In this review, I will tell you how it works, its pros and cons, and who it might be useful for. In order to establish the connections between work-rest cycles...
That One Time I Tried To Hack My Brain