Alpha Training: Impact

As we already know, alpha training is very beneficial. Scientists annually research its impact on various human emotional states, as well as creative, and intellectual abilities. The scientific community sees great potential in using training as an alternative, non-drug method of treating mental disorders. In this article we will talk about the data science currently has regarding the application of alpha training: how and what it affects, and what its value is.

Anxiety Disorders
Alpha training can be beneficial for people suffering from anxiety disorders. It teaches to control the brain’s alpha rhythm activity, helping to achieve a state of deep relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety levels. Studies show a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms after alpha training, and the effect persists even after the training ends.

Read more:
Neurofeedback training improves anxiety trait and depressive symptom in GAD, Yue Hou

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD is marked by lack of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. This syndrome is often associated with reduced alpha-wave activity. Alpha training is considered as a potential treatment for ADHD. The research indicates significant improvements in attention and impulsivity after alpha training, proving its potential as an alternative to medication use. This is especially important for treating ADHD in children.

Read more:
Comparative efficacy of targeted structural patterns of electroencephalography neurofeedback in children with inattentive or combined attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Feng-Hua Wang

Depression, associated with consistently low mood, loss of interest, and declined cognitive function, can also be treated with alpha training. The research shows that alpha wave activity can be asymmetrical in people with depression, and alpha training can correct this asymmetry, alleviating the symptoms. Early studies in this area show a significant reduction in depressive symptoms after alpha training.

Read more:

Electroencephalogram alpha asymmetry in geriatric depression : Valid or vanished? Andreas K Kaiser

EEG frontal lobe asymmetry as a function of sex, depression severity, and depression subtype, Christopher F Sharpley

A controlled study on the cognitive effect of alpha neurofeedback training in patients with major depressive disorder, Carlos Escolano

Is alpha wave neurofeedback effective with randomized clinical trials in depression? A pilot study, Sung Won Choi

Alpha waves are associated with a relaxed wakefulness state, which can be inadequate in people with insomnia. With alpha training, these individuals can learn to enhance their alpha wave activity and improve their biological rhythms. Studies show a significant improvement in insomnia severity after alpha training.

Read more:
Intensive Neurofeedback Protocol: An Alpha Training to Improve Sleep Quality and Stress Modulation in Health Care Professionals During the Covid-19 Pandemic. A Pilot Study, Beatrice Benatti

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD is a severe condition that can arise after experiencing traumatic events. Preliminary results from the latest research indicate that alpha training can help alleviate PTSD symptoms, especially hyperarousal and intrusive thoughts.

Read more:
Neurofeedback treatment of depression and anxiety.Hammond, D. Corydon

Memory and Cognition
According to the research alpha training promotes significant enhancements in various aspects of cognitive functions. For instance, its impact on memory leads to improved working, episodic, and short-term memory. This allows individuals to remember information better and manage it more effectively throughout thinking processes. Besides, upper alpha frequency training boosts cognitive functions, such as selective attention, goal-driven planning, and verbal fluency. This type of training helps to improve an individual’s ability to focus on specific tasks and express thoughts more clearly and easily.

Read more:

Neurofeedback training of EEG alpha rhythm enhances episodic and working memory, Jen-Jui Hsueh

EEG-based Upper-Alpha neurofeedback for cognitive enhancement in major depressive disorder: a preliminary, uncontrolled study, Javier Garcia-Campayo

Creativity Increases in Scientists Through Alpha EEG Feedback Training

Despite alpha training being researched and applied in many countries across the world to enhance memory and cognitive functions, as well as control anxiety, it is not 100% effective. We remind you that training isn’t a magic bullet, but just a tool in combined therapy. It should be used with caution and consciousness. If you have a condition or concern related to your mental state, it’s essential to consult a doctor before doing alpha training.
2023-07-06 14:00